
Showing posts from May, 2018
Remembering on Memorial Day James Garfield had once said, “If silence is ever golden, it must be beside the graves of fifteen-thousand men, whose lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem the music of which can never be sung,” for a ceremony honor the 620,000 who have fallen in 1888 due to the Civil War. This ceremony was known as Decoration Day and is now well known as Memorial Day. Every Memorial Day we remember and respect all who have served our beloved country and hear the 24-note bugle call known as TAPS, with synchronized gunshots after a red, white, and blue parade. I wanted to acknowledge the numbers of the men and women who had served for our democracy to help people understand the reasoning more strongly about these services.    Military Members Lost: American Revolution: 4,435 dead War of 1812: 2,260 dead Civil War: 620,000 dead Spanish American War: 387 dead World War One: 116,708 dead World War Two: 407,316 d...
Why Do We Blog? The Benefits Whether you like blogging or not, its popularity still stands. Blogger is simple and efficient but technology itself isn’t so much.   When I did some research, blogging was said to be a great way to stay connected when so much continues to change. But there were lists and lists that came up of how many other great things a blog can do, at a low cost. Every two to three weeks, I try to write Blogger post consistently, but why? Finding this answer is something our fellow readers and myself might find interesting to know. Blogger is a more detailed interaction with people, compared to other social media. Pillar Surplus loves to engage and create relationships with our customers and this social media site along with our newly active Facebook is one way to start. We have written previously, relationships build trust and trust equals a newly founded customer confidence. Along with leads and long-term results, the Blogger traffic can easily ...