The Advantages of Surplus Items Buying surplus items can mean different things to different people. Some people are wary of purchasing such items because they believe that the items are no good. Others recognize them as a way to save a fairly significant amount of money. For the latter group of folks, there are great deals to be had. Often times they can find genuine parts without paying the higher costs through a regular retailer or dealer. Surplus items can come from a variety of sources. These can come from companies closing down, businesses reducing slow selling stock or even from businesses that order excess only to be left with items that cannot be returned to the vendor that they purchased them from. Of course, these are only a few examples. Some companies will sell them to an auction company to relieve themselves of the stock, others send them to the landfill because they cannot find someone to take the items. Either one of these ways means lost profit for th...
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Staying Competitive in Your Industry Consistently asking questions keeps a business on its toes and creates the drive for an answer. The question, “How can your business stay competitive?” leads to so many other questions like, “Who is your competition? What makes you different? Can you expand what you offer?” Establishing who your competition is, can provide guidance to figure out what makes your business different. It also helps one observe the repetitive behavior of competition to back-up your future strategic planning. Though, GREAT businesses are not predictable and are always analyzing the path ahead. Analyzing information already obtained is also a good way to know which way to approach when it comes to expansion in a business. When expanding, what you offer can separate you from your competition. Your business should be organic and ever-evolving. Break it down to your employees, are they good at what they do? When bringing in talented personnel, your busine...